The August Meeting - 2021- Linda Meek's Garden.
by Kathy Ptacek, garden club cub reporter

Twenty-one members of the Sussex County Garden Show visited the charming garden of Linda Meek on Thursday, August 19. Linda's garden was bursting with color and so many different flowers in bloom (cannas, zinnias, daylilies, petunias, coneflowers, dahlias, sunflowers, and many others). It's been a long hard summer for many of us, and I found her garden to be a wonderful oasis. We had the usual assortment of tasty desserts--thank you to the folks who generously bring extras!--and some members also supplied veggies and plants for others to take home.

We also ran a raffle of three items--a large pot shaped like a flower, a set of three gardening gloves, and a basket filled with high-end lotions and other products--and made $29. Thank you to all who purchased tickets! And congrats to the winners! I'd like to have another raffle at the September meeting when we are back at the Fredon Building; if you have something you'd like to raffle off, just let me know ahead of time. Thank you!

Here is what Linda has to say about her garden: "As a result of the pandemic & spending most of my time in lockdown at home, I had many hours to plan and work in my garden. It has given me so much pleasure to watch the weekly changes from springtime tulips & daffodils, to planting annuals & checking on my perennials, to rearranging the plants so they are in the right space, and finally enjoying the results. My garden is my sanctuary & keeps me sane."

Thank you for hosting the club, Linda. Linda opens her garden, from time to time throughout the year, and I hope members will take advantage of her next "open garden" day. I loved going there in the spring to see the daffodils and other bulbs, and, later in the season, I visited to take numerous photos of her many lovely irises.

In September, we will return to meeting inside at the Fredon Building ... fingers crossed, of course! And our meetings will go back to the usual 7 p.m. start time; in the summer, we always meet at 6:30.

For more information about the club, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or use the form provided on this site.

The following photos were taken at the meeting.